Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Gone But Not Forgotten.

I actually checked my last post to find out the last time I blogged. I knew it has been a while, but where did all the time go? A year and 4 months! That's definitely the longest time I've spent without writing something on here.

I've been wanting to blog, for a while, and had several ideas to write about, but I don't know what stopped me from signing in and blogging. Was it lack of motivation? Was it priorities? Was it fear - of maybe not having something to say that will cause ripples and impact? I don't know. Maybe. Maybe not.

So what changed today? I've been reading a lot lately, more than I ever did. I am enjoying it, but at the same time I missed writing more. Writing here - or anywhere - makes me happy. It makes sense. Everything makes sense to me when I write. I've always loved writing, since I was a kid. I wasn't a fan of writing something in particular, as much as I was fond of the act itself. I remember back as a kid during exams, I used to always require extra answering paper. I used to probably be the only one in my university taking notes during class. I've always preferred SMS texting than talking over the phone, and before that, I was a fan of chatting platforms (ICQ, MIRC, and of course, my favourite chatting platform, MSN Messenger) rather than browsing the internet or listening to music/watching videos. I never joined writing classes, or took scriptwriting or novel-writing courses on the side (something that I would have loved to do) but when I held a pen or a keypad/board, I used to write till my hand hurt.

I thought this 'feeling' changed or stopped. But even now while I am writing this entry here, I feel re-born, just by expressing my thoughts.

Thank you - to all the people I read for, all the blogs that kept me company, to all those articles that moved me. Thank you for making me realise that I need to come back. I need to come back home, to my blog, and write as much as I can.



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