Tuesday, March 05, 2013

And the Embers Never Fade.

How times change? How life repays you? It's funny, I know. I can't help it myself, but every single time something unexpected happens, it is more or less, 'expected'.

Nothing fazes me anymore, yet everything amazes me. I have been living in a dilemma, probably for the past thirty years. Thirty? Did I just say thirty? For the past few years I've been living with the notion that I am dying young. As a kid, I thought I will definitely live over a hundred years, but ever after turning twenty five and I knew I am dying young. Everyday I wake up thinking this is going to be my last. Every day! My actions during the day never reflected on my beliefs, because in spite of fearing dying, still, your mind comprehends a little, and the sinner in you keeps pushing you towards more sins. Yet, I never thought I will make it to thirty.

Let's make a toast to life. I am no longer going to think about death, nor will I think about living till thirty one. My time to come will all be about being a good Muslim, human, son, brother, friend, and hopefully a father one day.

Let's party!


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