Sunday, January 17, 2021

Life begins where fear, thoughts and doubts end.

If you take that walk through the parks with their hundred of flowers of every colour imaginable, from bright pink to white and purple, and their fresh green grass washed clean by last night's rain, rich and verdant - again without moving a single muscle of the factory of thought - then you will realise what true love is. To look up above, at the crystal blue sky, the smokey clouds, the tall buildings with their sharp edges against the horizon, the flock of birds and the fading pavement colour - to look without a word of yesterday; then, at this very moment, when the mind is completely undisturbed, quiet, unmoved by any thought - when you - the observer - is completely absent, then there is peace. Not that you united with the grass or the flowers; rather there is a feeling of utter non-being, in which the division between you and another ceases. 

The old couple miraculously carrying their bodies to take that walk every day, the small brown french bulldog, the three children sliding - if you can look at all these without speaking a single word, without a split measure, without issuing any judgement, then the quarrel between you and another ceases.

Don't think of this as imagination, or some yearn to a mystical experience or a flight of fancy; it is not. It is as real as the man hanging from the 30th floor to clean that window, or the little boy with the yellow helmet on that blue bike chasing the bee on that flower - no frontiers within which the I and the not-I can exist. You gaze without the look of the observer, you look without the value of the word and the measurement of last night. The whole conflict of the mind in its separation has come to an end. 

The look of love is very much different from the look of thought. One leads to a direction that thought cannot follow, and the other leads to sorrow and conflict. From this separation, you cannot go to the other. The distance between both is made by ideas, and ideas cannot by any stride reach the other. 

As you walk back home through those parks and the vast amount of buildings, you will realise that fear, thoughts and doubts have come to an end and life has just begun.


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