The kites are still flying.

3 years!!!
Around this time last year, I wrote a list of 100 things you probably didn't know about me in celebration of my blog's 2nd anniversary. I could write another 100 things about me that again you probably didn't know, and they'll be different from the ones listed last year, but instead of diversity, I will focus on just one topic - hatred. Since I am hated by a lot of people out there, I will write 101 things that Sherif Zaki hates. This will be bold, straight to the point, with no curtains concealed, but instead illuminating and instructive.
Let's see where will this ride take me:
1- I hate how our society is divided between very rich people and very poor ones
2- I hate the way people with different backgrounds and upbringings look at me
3- I hate how I cannot bend my right leg
4- I hate the amount of money I have spent on every girl I dated
5- I hate every guy who dated a girl I used to be with, whether it was before or after me
6- I hate how the Egyptian youth is corrupt
7- I hate the fact that I didn't go to AUC
8- I hate the fact that I didn't finish my studies abroad
9- I hate the fact that I stopped my physiotherapy
10- I hate the fact that I left school a year early to join university abroad
11- I hate 30/12/1996
12- I hate the way I treated Mohamed Abou Shady in 2000
13- I hate how I dared my friend that I will kiss a certain girl and actually hid him to witness it
14- I hate deciding to sleep for a few minutes after waking up
15- I hate how I get very protective over the girl I am with to a lame extent
16- I hate the number of times I had to make out in the street
17- I hate a lot of things in my work
18- I hate the fact that I am not able to work permanently in something I love/want
19- I hate the fact that everything in this country runs through your 'connections' and if 'you know somebody or not'
20- I hate the fact that I shifted football teams from Ahly to Zamalek
21- I hate how an ex of mine only talked of ways to make money
22- I hate how another ex of mine only talked about 'her money'
23- I hate how my own friends are not the same anymore
24- I hate how work deprives you from your morals
25- I hate how an ex of mine only talked about the 2 cars her dad asked her to choose from
26- I hate how everyone expects more of me
27- I hate how I wasted 2 years of my life working in useless companies
28- I hate the fact that I dropped out of my Masters
29- I hate how I wasted years of my life without doing any form of sport
30- I hate the fact that I don't know how to change my car tyres
31- I hate how I do not finish most of the useful things I start
32- I hate how I missed out on a lot of girls because I thought I was with 'the one'
33- I hate how I lied at least once to every human being I got introduced to in my life
34- I hate the fact that I need to issue a tourist visa to visit any country
35- I hate the fact that I probably won't have kids before at least 3 or 4 years from now
36- I hate the fact than an ex of mine used to seek my help when her grandmother was ill and suddenly she didn't even call to tell me 'happy birthday' a few days later- she is the same ex who talked about the 2 cars her daddy was getting
37- I hate the fact that mirrors and pictures remind me of things I don't want to remember
38- I hate the fact that every girl I have met in my life tried to flirt with me at least once
39- I hate how I miss my childhood
40- I hate how I avoid looking at girls' bodies
41- I hate the fact that no matter how fast I used to be back in school, still there were faster kids
42- I hate the fact that I didn't date D.A. / S.O. / R.F. / Y.S. / Z.S.
43- I hate how 99% of everything in life is not long lasting in terms of satisfaction
44- I hate the fact that I need to do sit-ups to have abs
45- I hate the fact that when my phone rings, I am 99% percent correct in guessing who is the caller without even looking at the screen
46- I hate the fact that the football season ends in May
47- I hate the fact that no matter how hot lingerie is, it will be removed at the end of the day, accordingly I hate how presents get nicely wrapped but not for long till the wrapping gets torn
48- I hate the smell of cigarettes
49- I hate the laughs of 2 of my ex's - stagnetic!!
50- I hate the fact that all of my ex's became Seinfeld fans because of me, all of them!
51- I hate the fact that my 2002 Sweden National Team jersey is with the guy I considered blood whom I mentioned in my previous post, and therefore it shall only be remembered in silence
52- I hate the fact that I didn't do many things as a kid because I thought they were inappropriate, yet it was not long for me to do them gradually as the time passed
53- I hate greed
54- I hate the fact that sooner or later people will judge me on the amount of money I have and the amount of money I will make
55- I hate people with too much energy
56- I hate the fact that an ex of mine used to eat all the time and still feel hungry all the time, she just never got satisfied or full by anything -she is the same ex who talked about ways to make money
57- I hate the fact that a lot of people want to see me fall down and break to pieces
58- I hate how I never live up to my potential
59- I hate too much gossip
60- I hate the fact that young kids do nothing now but walk around with books
61- I hate people who sit some place having their coffee and reading, trying to publicly display their intelligence
62- I hate the fact that whenever something gets lost in a hotel, I assume that the house-keeping staff stole it
63- I hate how people get dressed up for a passport photo
64- I hate how the shisha guy roams near me the moment I order the bill in order for me to tip him
65- I hate how girls partner each other and go to the bathroom
66- I hate how girls love taking pictures of themselves hugging each other no matter where they are with their cheeks stamped together representing one face
67- I hate how I used to do that one liner beard coming down all the way from my hair through my sideburns to my goatee (i.e. Alex Del Piero & Craig David)
68- I hate it when I want to yawn but can't because I am in a meeting so I end up having the stupidest look on my face while yawning with my lips sealed
69- I hate people who ask so many questions about food and its ingredients
70- I hate paintball and everyone who think it is cool to practise it
71- I hate the fact that I do not enjoy house parties anymore
72- I hate any type of jeans with weird designs and especially when it is very dark and also stonewashed
73- I hate how I look whenever I come back from abroad. I always realise there's something wrong with my clothes as soon as I get off the plane and reclaim my baggage with everyone around me looking with question marks covering their faces
74- I hate it when I am not invited to a wedding that I wouldn't even go in the first place
75- I hate people who would pop up at the end of a work meeting and ask questions to show off that they're smart
76- I hate it wHen PeopLE tYPe LikE tHiS
77- I hate it when someone answers the phone saying "I am very busy, can I call you back in five?"
78- I hate the fact that all of the guys in a public bathroom would not stand and pee in the urinal next to the one I am urinating in and go to the one near the wall all alone, and if all the urinals are occupied except the one next to me, they would still hold their pee till someone else is done instead of urinating beside me
79- I hate the fact that most of them do not wash their hands afterwards
80- I hate how people assume they can tell everything about someone from their shoe or watch
81- I hate the fact that when I first started working I thought my manager was dumb because it took him 2 weeks to finish a task that I used to easily finish in 2 hours, and after 6 years of life as an employee, I discovered that I am actually dumb like him
82- I hate it when I hand my business card to someone and they look at it then give it back to me
83- I hate how people take their cell phones literally everywhere except to their bathrooms
84- I hate the cowboy hats everyone is wearing
85- I hate how everyone is walking around with Mont Blanc pens & wallets
86- I hate the people who used to study before school actually starts
87- I hate the fact that most of the people do not know the difference between its and it's
88- I hate the fact that most bad guys in movies must point their guns towards mirrors and computers and shoot the heck out of them
89- I hate the fact that all girls are not aware that most of their male friends would hook up with them if given a chance
90- I hate how girls claim that they can relate to a certain book, movie or even one of the gay John Mayer songs because they are 'girls'
91- I hate girls who talk crap about a mutual friend and end their ranting by, "I am only doing that because I care about her."
92- I hate it when ONE person (manager, professor, etc...) approaches a group of people and say "how are WE feeling today?"
93- I hate the fact that after standing in a long queue at a fast food chain, the idiot infront of me is still indecisive on what to order and starts asking silly questions
94- I hate how men give a strong handshake to other men they don't know when being introduced to one another
95- I hate paper cuts
96- I hate puzzles, sodukos and all those stupid games
97- I hate how barbers nod their head and say, "I know I know" before I even finish what I'm trying to say
98- I hate how I confuse myself thinking if I should go to an outing wearing comfortable jeans and a shirt or dress up all formal, and after going all formal I find that dude standing infront of me wearing the comfortable outfit I was going to wear looking all cool while I am stuck in a suit
99- I hate how people hide their pin numbers while they're infront of ATM machines
100- I hate people who go out and jog in the rain
101- I hate 9/9/1999
I LOVE YOU! i loved it!:) i love your blog!
your number 1 fan!
Woooow, very relatable. Why dont you try a list of stuff you love? That might be way way harder to do.
I miss you , Talk to me.
I miss you.....
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