Many people assume I am evil and not serious enough for this world and self-centred and will never accomplish anything in life and and and.....
People are taking life too seriously and are ashamed of anything said or written against them. I am not.
I welcome criticism. Some people are almost sure that I think too much of myself and believe that I am the last good man in this world. I dont know where do they come up with these conclusions. I am a very simple guy and maybe my simplicity leads people to look at me in that way. I donno.
Back to the topic. I created the blog back in July and never thought I will share all this. And some friends of mine 'who knew about my blog but didnt know how to check it' convinced me to share. I hope you people are happy now. As for me; I've been happy since 1983. :)
Did you know that the octopus has a rectangular eye pupil?

I think, we all wait for ur blogs to be written. U know that u're diffrent, and being different doesn't necessarly mean that u're better or worse than other ppl. I agree that there are debates about ur blogs, but what ppl don't understand -i don't know y- that these are ur personal thoughts that after all have to be respected. I might join them sometimes in those debates but just for the sake of fun. I respect ur opinions, although i disagree with most of them. Anyways keep blogging coz u make ppl happy. Also, keep in mind that u're giving us bonus material for ya hala instead of talking about the stocks, cars, and all those shitty topics.
Cheese Purger :D
I love you man!
I had no idea that it had a rectagular pupil. That's just really odd. :|
How on earth did u know this?? IPR remember?! international public relations :p haha
oh! n sukie, he had no idea as well :D
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