Thursday, September 14, 2023

Thursday is the new Friday?

I am loving Tiny Habits much more than I thought I would. I didn't think I could get captivated easily after Atomic Habits but so far Tiny Habits has been amazing. As much as both books and methods are interwoven they are completely different. I keep on thinking of my life now as little (tiny) habits one moment after the other. I keep on monitoring my existing habits and finding how easily certain things fall into place in my day and how subconsciously I do things. I've been experimenting with forming new habits - or reviving old ones like writing daily. For example, this is my 4th blogpost this week. When have I blogged 4 times in a week? Maybe never! I have found that writing in the office after completing certain work duties is simpler than I thought and not as hard as my mind convinced me in the past, hence why I blogged once every blue moon and kept delaying the inevitable - which is never writing. I could easily write here at my desk - but for example, I could never write at home, after I leave the office, or during the weekend. I can now completely fathom how my day operates and my 'work in progress' personal growth journey is in motion. 

Am I becoming too philosophic? Too boring? Too practical? Too old? I don't think of myself as any of those (maybe old yes - I am 40 now) but I am definitely trying to become a better version of myself. Do I miss old me? Do I miss spontaneous me? I really don't. Not that I was a bad person (maybe I was in the eyes of many), but I don't think I am any different from the Sherif of old. Not that I've become wiser - not at all - I am just adapting to my life in 2023 and making the best of it. I cannot live how I lived in the past like now. I can if I want to, but do I want that? Do I want to sleep after midnight and wake up not knowing what I have planned for my day? My life in 2023 is different than how it was in 2022 let alone 10 years ago. I want to be a great husband, father, son, brother, and employee and I want to achieve so much more. I want to go on and do great things in my life - things that won't necessarily be great in the eyes of everyone, but things that would make me - Sherif Zaki - happy and feel complete and accomplished. Your legacy is different than mine, and all I know is that I want to be happy and have peace of mind. 

I love Thursdays. You could feel the weekend vibes from the moment you enter the office. You know it's going to be a chill day. You're already making plans for tonight and the weekend - in my case, which pizza I will be ordering and more importantly when will I order it.

In the past, Fridays meant rest days - just relaxation, but with kids, Fridays and Saturdays are usually busy and full of activities. I guess I now prefer Thursdays more - it's more of a 'rest' day mentally, to me, vs. Friday.  

Have a lovely weekend - and catch up on Sunday!


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