Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Life's a journey, not a destination.

This new book I am listening to, The Almanack of Naval Ravikant, is pretty interesting. It's not a book per se, just thoughts being said out loud. It makes you think. Sometimes I find myself agreeing with what is being said and sometimes I am in disagreement, just like everything in life, we don't have to agree on everything. 

Lately, I've been trying not to pass any judgments, not to question why something is being said or done in a specific way; I think the realisation that we are all different, gets stronger every day. I am in no position to pass judgment or to feel superior/inferior. I shouldn't allow society to label me and, I, for one, shouldn't be able to label anyone. Why should I? We are all unique, and we are all on a quest for something. 

I think the strongest weapon in the world is one's words, and how someone uses their words shouldn't be taken lightly. We should think before we talk, but we should not stop ourselves from talking or voicing an opinion. Does this make sense? It does for me. I know how my words can have a deep impact on someone, whether negative or positive and sometimes, even if I don't want to hurt someone, I still need to speak up. I need to confront a colleague for instance if work is not being done/delayed. I need to stay away from negativity. I need to avoid social situations that will never benefit me, and on the contrary, harm my soul, and time - the two things that I am working hard to enrich and fulfil. 

I need to stop getting distracted and I need to stop trying to be someone else. I need to keep doing me and continue spreading love to those around me. I need to be happy, physically and mentally, and I need to find that silver lining in any bad or uncomfortable situation, even if it doesn't exist, but I will always look for it, and I will make sure that looking for it doesn't take away from my own happiness. I need to keep driving that car to all the destinations I want to go; eyes on the road, but at the same time, conscious of everything happening around me; the conversations, the music, the horns, the mountains, the speed bumps, the traffic lights, etc, literally, the entire environment around me. That's life and it would be a shame to miss out on something on your way because you only go forward, and if you miss something, it's impossible to make a U-turn.


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